Wednesday, June 13, 2007

For the past four weeks there's been an American group here in Siena reaching out to students. This week is their last week and last night they put on an American night with the GBU. We had a great time and any non-Christians came. There was food, american handshakes, quiz, an american dance, and testimonies from two of the guys. Praise God for a great evening many people came through flyers and others through persistent invitations!

Please pray especially for Eugenio and Manuela who came for the first time. We always see Eugenio at the book table, he's become a good friend of ours.

We also praise God for Mauro. He's a guy in an old people's home who Giovanni and I started visiting and recently many of the youth group have come to visit him and hold a little meeting with songs and a message for the other old people. He came to church with us the first time on Sunday. Pray for his faith and witness as the old people's home is in one of the most communist areas of Tuscany so he is pretty much on his own.

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