Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hello everyone and welcome to our new blog! We hope you enjoy reading what we're upto, seeing piccies, and writing your own messages to us as well.

As most of you know, Giovanni and I got married on the 22nd July, in Nottingham, England. God gave us a great day together with friends and family it was fab! We started our wedding preparations with nothing but God seemed to have everything in hand. He provided us with a cake, food, cooks, wedding dress, a nice vintage car, photos and a video, the honeymoon, some beautiful flowers, houses for Italians to stay and much much more. We're just so thankful to God, and all the people God used to make the start of our marriage together so amazing.

We leave the U.K monday (28th August) to go back to Italy for a Mission's Confrence, and then look forward to moving all our stuff to our new home in Siena. Please pray for us in this time of transition, we can't wait to get stuck in at Siena; we will be involed in working for a church amongst students in the university as well as working with Christian youth around Italy.

Well, we just wanted to fill you in on how the wedding went, here's some photos for you to enjoy...

Giovanni and I looking very smug!

My brother Mark and I walking down the aisle