Wednesday, June 13, 2007

For the past four weeks there's been an American group here in Siena reaching out to students. This week is their last week and last night they put on an American night with the GBU. We had a great time and any non-Christians came. There was food, american handshakes, quiz, an american dance, and testimonies from two of the guys. Praise God for a great evening many people came through flyers and others through persistent invitations!

Please pray especially for Eugenio and Manuela who came for the first time. We always see Eugenio at the book table, he's become a good friend of ours.

We also praise God for Mauro. He's a guy in an old people's home who Giovanni and I started visiting and recently many of the youth group have come to visit him and hold a little meeting with songs and a message for the other old people. He came to church with us the first time on Sunday. Pray for his faith and witness as the old people's home is in one of the most communist areas of Tuscany so he is pretty much on his own.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Finally I have time to sit and write our latest update, so much has happened over the past few months....

9.37 conference - Was just a great time together with over 70 young people from across Italy. It was nice to clear out our house of all the different material we had accumalted to give at the conference. We were really blessed by different brothers who had supplied us with free material to give...posters, boookmarks, books, t-shirts. The weekend was packed with challenging talks on living a life of mission everyday wherever we are, open discussion groups, prayer times, a debate on "what is mission?", interviews with various missionaries in and out of Italy and just general times of getting to know other christians from across the country. From the conferemce we have heard from many of the guys who came who were challenged by the conference and then went out to start new outreach activities in their home towns. GBU - These past two months we've been trying to be more pro active in reaching out to students.

Debate on the role of the family in today's society - We had a good time together. Two new guys came along and were npt afraid to share their ideas, they were very open to what we had to say. We still have contact with them. Pray for Alexi and Francesco.

Film night "The Chronicles of Narnia"
- We watched the film then discussed the biblical analogies rappresented in the film. Around 14 new guys came through friends invites and flyers. After the discussion we got the chance to speak to many of the new students. Please pray for Alina and Loredana who I talked with for some time and ending up taking a Bible home to discover for themselves.

Open discussion on "The existence Jesus"
- we looked out how it is historically prooved that Jesus lived, died and rose again according to historical criteria for testing manuscripts and data. There were around 10 new people there. PLease pray for Mirco, Flavio, Fl
orinda, Simone, Elena and Francesco who are all admittedly searching for God.

Open discussion on "The message of Jesus"
- As well as having people returning 5 new students came. We had a really active discussion on what the message of Jesus means. There were many questions about the God-shaped hole we have and how to fill it, as well as on whether all religions lead to God. The message was really clear and we had some good chats afterwards. Two guys took a Bible. PLease pray for Giovanni, Federica and the others who came.
Next week...."Piadina Party" we will eat piadinas (a bit like fajitas) and talk about the challenge of Jesus 2000 years after his life on the earth.

Continue to pray for all the preparation of the various studies Giovanni will be giving over the summer and my work amongst the girls and teenagers in the church.

Future events...

  • trip to Moldova with 9.37 - 26 June-7 July

  • Baptisms in church 8 July - Lavinia, Franca, Antonio, Jenni

  • Teenagers camp 9-11 July

  • Camp in the UK 28 July - 4 August

  • Beach mission in Rimini, Italy 5-13 August

  • September back to the UK for a year at BIble College

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Galatians 1:10 Am i trying to win human approval, or God's approval? Or am i trying to please people? If i were still trying to please people, i would not be a servant of Christ.
Since we last updated the blog so much has happened which is kind of the excuse for not having been in touch so much. We have lots to be grateful for and lots to pray about. Please join with us in putting the country of Italy before God in prayer.

GBU BIBLE STUDY - our overview of the old testament we’ve arrived at the book of Proverbs, all gone well so far.

FEBRUARY FILM NIGHT – We watched the film “Luther”. On the leaflets was the phrase “the protestant reform-the biggest mistake of the Church?” After handing out many flyers around the university and at the student catholic mass (shockingly more than 100 students were present 10 times the amount who come to GBU!)
about 10 non Christians came. We had a good discussion after watching the film about the point of the protestant reform, the value and authority of the Bible in a Christian’s lfie and the message of the Gospel (saving grace). Pray for continued contact with these people, especially for Antonio and Nicoletta.

9-11 MARCH GBU CONFERENCE – Together with 8 students we headed off to a big country house near Florence for the “Festa GBU” (GBU party). There were over 150 students there from all over Italy (the largest amount ever in the history of GBU Italy) to listen to talks on the cross of Christ, take part in a workshop on how to write an evangelistic Bible study, discuss the various modes of evangelism during an organised debate and just generally get to know and enjoy time with other student believers. We had a great time. Giovanni and I were involved in the music group and both lead the small groups for the workshops. It was great to see and hear of how God is working across Italy, and see so many students wanting to know more about God and wanting to reach out to others. All our students came away encouraged. It was particularly encouraging for us to see Lavinia there who became a Christian just over a year ago, it was her first ever experience of meeting other Christians outside of Siena.

17-18 MARCH CHURCH CAMP – Last weekend in the countryside just outside of Siena the church held a camp for over 18’s on “prayer”. There were about 50 young people there. Many things had gone wrong in the organising of the camp but it turned out to be a great time of fellowship and growth.
Stan Cochraine, and Irish missionary (with Echoes) gave the talks; with a great sense of humour and much challenging from the word of God, it was a really blessed time.

20 MARCH DEBATE“Creation or evolution?” After handing out hundreds of flyers, putting up posters around the university, and hearing many students were interested in coming we were looking forward to it a lot… it actually turned out that not one new student came!! We ended up doing the debate anyway amongst ourselves as the student leading the debate had prepared a lot. Lucio was there and although he’s growing in his understanding of the Bible, he’s an evolutionist so he ended up stirring up a debate with the guy leading it, he left with lots to think about, it was just great to hear him ask so many questions and seem generally interested in what the Bible has to say (he’s not a Christian). Might seem like a bit of a dissapointment that no-one came but after praying, distributing and inviting people we know those who God wanted to be there were there, God is sovereign!

9.37 – Giovanni’s been writing lots of lists of things to do which means the conference must be near by. With just over a month to go we’re looking forward to the conference, we pray and believe God will use the message given, and the time focused upon His vision for mission to challenge open young hearts to live 100% for Him. Please pray that the people who’ve shown an interest in coming would book!! (Italians aren’t so organised) We’ve now booked the flights to Moldova, pray for all the organisation that needs to be done over the coming months. Also pray for the various evangelistic activities 9.37 will be involved in during the summer.

Church – pray for the many difficult situations various individuals in the church are facing at the moment, either through sickness, family troubles, offences etc.
Pray that these struggles would make the church more mature and affective for Christ.

English lessons – Recently I’ve started stepping into the role of my mother and have been teaching English. Please pray for Matteo, he’s the cousin of someone who comes to church. He knows bits about Christianity but hasn’t made a decision to follow Jesus, pray as he hears more about God he would put his trust in him.

We want to thank you for your prayers about Redcliffe. Giovanni received a letter just the other day to say he has won the bursary and will be helped with 50% of the college fees. Its really a miracle as God moved the college to support there first western European through the bursary fund.

Future events-pray for wisdom as we plan with the students the last months of study up until the summer. Pray for Graziella and Luca especially who will be taking on a lot more responsibility next year.

Thanks for reading this mega update.
We praise God for your prayer and support to us.

Monday, December 18, 2006


I'm sure by now for those of you in the U.K there is no ignoring that Christmas has arrived, here in Italy Christmas seems a bit more laid back. The shops are not heaving with people, the Christmas decorations here have not yet turned into street competitions to see who can have the biggest and brightest display and there is not one Christmas Cracker in sight! There is however a big tradition of the nativity with people setting them up outside their houses or in the shops, and still the tradition of eating clementines and nuts. Its so much less money orientated and much more family/food orientated; this leads us to say happy christmas and dont spend too much, dont get to stressed about what other people are doing, but remember Jesus in the midst of this holiday, passing on His message to people and showing HIs love amongst yourselves.

Past Events
Debate "the Bible: Fact or Fiction"-Thanks you so much for praying for the debate. We had a great time and were really encouraged. As well as the GBU group from Perugia coming to help, 6 non Christians came along all with very different opinions on the Bible. We looked at why is the Bible important, what is its major use for humans, and, how can we read the Bible. As well as looking at the authenticity of the Bible. Giovanni did a really good job of leading the discussion and keeping people calm. It was amazing to see how after Giovanni had shared with us various documents about how the Bible is the most historically accurate book in the world ever, with a 99.5% certainty, people still refused it as truth. Faith really is something which God has to produce as logical arguments and trying to convince people will never work.

Conference-8 of us left Siena and headed down to Pescara for the GBU's publishing house conference. We had such a blessed and challenging time. Don Carson lead the studies on the revelation of God throughout the Bible, it was great to reconsider the greatness of God and His Glory and think how privilidged we are to know Him and to be able to one day live in His presence. There was also the opportunity to get to know all the GBU groups across Italy, it was great to see so many Italians who really have a heart to see their friends and classmates saved. Graziella and Massimo presented Siena, in particular, the results of the questionnaire we had done, they did a really good job. We had some good times with the students and really praise God for the enthusiasm they came away with to study the Bible more and to be more involved with GBU.

Calenders-Lately at the book table we have been giving out calenders for the new year with a verse for each day wrapped up with a couple of chocolates inside to our friends who pass by. we have had some really great responses from people. Many were shocked that we wanted to give them a present without wanting anything in return. Some people even went away and then came back to talk to us about why we would want to give these out. One old man who often walks his dog in the piazza where the book table is received a calender last tuesday, then thursday when we were there again came and asked me "so who are you, you're not Jehovah's Witnesses are you? ", from there came a great opportunity to talk about the Bible and its message. This man is a fervent catholic, he told me how when he walks the dog he often prays to Mary to ask for help and sometimes to The Father. After discussing what the Bible says about prayer i asked him to try and pray to God directly, he said he would and then at the end said "but I wont forget to pray to the mother."

Catholics and Mormons- Leading on from that recently we seem to have had lots of opportunities to speak to other religious groups about their beliefs. A growing dialogue with the lady who runs the photocopy shop who is a practising Catholic with a big heart for Mary, a continued friendship with a Catholic student from Perugia, a group of girls who often pass by the book table and many others. Also last week we had a long discussion with some Mormons we met at the market which was left with the intention to hopefully meet up and study THE BIBLE together.

These people are so blinded, they hold the truth in their hands (the Bible) but do not recognise the authority of God’s word and seek to add their own ideas or theories of how to gain salvation when they really don’t have to. We’ve recently been listening to in the car Radio Maria (the national Catholic radio station in Italy) and have just been saddened by the way the certainty of salvation in Christ which God offers his so far from the lips of the Catholics in Italy. Please pray for the many people who read the Bible without understanding. We are praying to have more dialogue with some of the local leaders of these “churches” to read the Bible together in order that God might speak and change their lives, please pray for wisdom and that God would guide us accordingly.

Christmas Party-Tuesday 19th December we had GBU Siena’s Christmas Party. With games, a quiz, presents, and a message given by Giovanni about the real meaning of Christmas . God 's hand was really at work with 11 non-Christians present who heard the Gospel, not only that but after the message each one of them was talking with one of the Christian students. God is so good, we thank Him for His faithfulness in this country. Please pray for those who heard the Gospel.

For the next few weeks there will be no GBU events. We’ll take this time to give out calendars in the villages around where we live, going door to door. Also New Years eve weekend we’ll be at another camp (organised by the church). Its going to be quite a family atmosphere, and there should be quite a few non-Christians there so please pray for a good time together and that people might be saved.

We also look forward to having friends and family stay with us over the next few weeks.

That’s all for now. Please keep praying for us, well, not so much for us as for the people we meet, that God would help them understand all that He has done for them and that nothing would hinder them from accepting Jesus as Lord.

Hannah and Giovanni

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pictures...the famous Vigile, Giovanni giving out GBU flyers, Our little book table, and, a few of the students.

Hope you enjoy the pictures, having lost our cable we borrowed one off a guy from church we've now downloaded all the pictures off our camera, photos as far back as our honeymoon!

Things are going well and we have seen increased interest in GBU events. At the Bible study the other week Antonello, a guy we met at the book table, came along. He was pretty opiniated but it was great to see him open the Bible and learn more about God.

At the language exchange we have had some new people along which has been good. In a recent lesson based on the subjunctive we discussed some current affaairs, it was good to be able to share a Christian point of view with them. I've also started meeting up with one of the foreign girls to play duets together which has been a real blessing. She has an evangelical background so its a good starting point to try and encourage her spiritually.

A few weeks ago we also started a questionnare amongst students at the book table and in various other faculties. Through the questionnaire, which challenges where people get their satisfaction from, what makes them happy, and whether they believe in God, we have been able to give out a letter with our view on happiness and satisfaction as well as having many Gospel conversations with students. Over 300 students have done the questionnaire. We hope to publicise the results in the student caffeteria and have a discussion before Christmas. Praise God as well for the different students who have been helping us with the book table, they have been a real encouragement to us. Its great to see the students themselves willing to share the Gospel, be it with people on the street or their friends.

Tuesday we're holding a debate on "The Bible: fact or fiction?". We'll be looking at the trustworthines of the Bible, as many of the students we meet even if they're Catholic do not recognise the Bible as truth. I think this attitude is a conseguence of the general ignorance towards the Bible (its only been 100 years in Italy since the Catholic church permitted people to have their own Bible), and Postmodernism. Many students have been invited but its difficult to know how many will come, as people have so many obstacles between wanting to come and actually coming.

Also church wise we've been blessed with some really precious times together. We generally have wednesday and friday night free so we're trying to invite all of the young people and couples round. Its good to get to know people personally and be able to have some input in their lives, we thank God. Youth group, the teenagers, and, 9.37 continue to move forward.


  • Debate on Tuesday-that people would come, that Giovanni would be able to introduce and guide the debate well, that there would be the opportunity to share the Gospel and that this might be a challenge to students to actually read the Bible
  • 9.37-Giovanni was actually in Valle d'Aosta (1 hour from turin) this weekend with one of the young peolple from 9.37 trying to work on the website. Pray for Davide who is the webmaster, that he would have time outside of his business dedicated to working on the 9.37 website. Also pray that more young Italians would be challenged by God's call to support and serve in His Mission, and that God would use this project to help support young people.
  • GBU conference-Next weekend about 8 of us from Siena will be heading down south to the GBU publishing house's conference. Pray that we would have a good time of fellowship together and of spiritual growth. I'm looking forward to hearing preaching in English! Don Carson will be speaking, pray that God would use HIm to challenge, teach, and, shape all who go.
  • Pray for all our students...Luca, Graziella, Sara, Veronica, Aida, Luca, Massimo, Lavinia, Saed, George, Caterina, and our new friends...Lucio, Arianna, Antonello, Melissa, Hannah, Victoria, Eugenio, Mara, Erika, Stella, Francesco, Elena, and, Alessandro

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The reality of living in Siena…

Tuscany and Umbria are according to many Italians the regions where God is blasphemed against the most. Tuscany actually has the lowest percentage of evangelical churches. Gradually we are starting to see more and more the hardness of the Tuscan people in the reactions we see as people pass us by.

We’ve been in the university at least twice a week with the book table; we’ve given out hundreds of flyers explaining GBU and publicising the different events we do and have been helped by some of the students which has been good. We’ve had a number of good conversations with different students and also with the Vigili. The Vigili are part of the police but to me seem like glorified traffic wardens, they check permissions of the cars, market stools, direct traffic, and sometimes give tourist information to lost Americans. Every time we’re at the book table at least two different vigili pass by and ask for our permission slip. We’ve managed to have some good Gospel conversations with them. Please pray for a guy called Matteo who after having told us to move one day in quite a rude way actually ending up having a really long conversation with Rocco (elder of the church) and received a New Testament, he said he would like to come along to church one day.

Although we’ve had some good opportunities seeing the reactions of the students as they walk past has been quite difficult. Seeing people laugh as they read that we’re a Christian group, or just swear in your face as you give the flyer to them is not easy. Don’t worry we’re not ready to pack up, we’ve just been really saddened by people, their hostility towards God and the Bible, we’re offended because God himself is offended in the way people don’t even think about him, or are just so rude towards Him. We are really appealing to God’s mercy for these people and ask you do the same in prayer.

So that’s news on the book table. The Bible study has been a real encouragement to us. Last year there were just 4 people going along and so far we’ve had an average of 12 so already a lot more than we expected. We’re going through a different book of the Bible each week, Giovanni’s writing the studies and then different students lead. The studies have been excellent so far, really getting stuck into God’s word. We’ve also had a couple of non-Christians come along which has been great. Please pray for Lucio especially (he lives with a guy who comes to church) he's Catholic by name, doesn’t read the Bible, or go to church, but seems to show belief in God, he comes out with some really good answers to the questions but hasn't really grasped salvation yet.

We also started a language exchange to meet non-Christian students-after handing out over 300 flyers we had two new girls the first week and none yesterday! Many students said they would like to come but unfortunately the association with Christians and the Bible doesn’t help the publicity. Pray students would get over their ideas and presumptions about Christians so that we might be able to befriend students and also that the Christian students would bring their friends.

Also had a welcome night for students on Tuesday. We didn’t realise before but there was actually a massive concert for all students on in the main piazza in town!! Anyway 3 non Christians came along which was good in the sense that in Italy you kind of always anticipate zero. Also a few Christian students who haven't been involved in GBU before came along to support us. Lavinia, a student who became a Christian about a year ago shared her testimony for the first time which was great for us to hear and for her to do. We had a great time together and the non Christians that came really enjoyed themselves and said they would like to come to the Bible study next week, we keep praying.

OK what else…ah, youth group. We’ve enjoyed meeting up with the young people every Saturday night. They’re a great group and really want to know God better. The other week one of the young people lead a study on Moses; it was all about the fact that Moses had many excuses for God when he was asked to do something. We were then asked what excuses do we often give to God when He asks us to do something like evangelism. Then what happened? Well Giovanni then lead the next part of the evening, putting the study into practice. We split up into pairs and went out into town with some questionnaires and tracts. We were to go among the young people and do these questionnaires as a way to share the Gospel with people. Many of the youth group were very worried at first in fact I was with a guy who had never done it before and really didn’t want to. In the end he ended up sharing the Gospel with one of his friends who we did the questionnaire with, it was just great to see him get over all the anxieties which can come when we have to step out for God.

The group for teenagers has started with just 2 girls coming along. Giovanni and I have enjoyed getting to know the girls as they are the only teenagers in the church, they’re lovely girls. We are hoping in a couple of weeks time to go to some of the schools and give out flyers over the coming weeks.

I think that’s enough to recall so far, there’s always so much to say. Please continue to pray for these things and 9.37. As a church we’re also organising a youth camp for the weekend of the 29th. There should be about 40 Christians there as well as a good number non-Christians from Siena who will come along for various meals. Please pray for this.

Oh, also Monday we’re going to a small town nearby with some of the young people to give out new testaments to Muslims. It’s the end of Ramadam (their biggest celebration) so there should be quite a few people there (more than 200). We were asked by a guy who works amongst muslims to get a group together. Please pray for our protection and willingness on their part to receive the Gospels as many muslims respect the Bible and if they read it we believe their lives can be transformed.

Sorry there are no pictures this time, we’ll try for the next entry. By the way we’ve had our first day of rain here today, it looks like winters coming!!

Ciao Ciao